NCERT Solution - हिंदी | वसंत | कक्षा 6
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant is provided by the subject matter experts of Hindi at Textual Solution. It will be a very useful and important study material for your exam preparation. Textual Solution provides NCERT Class 6 Hindi Vasant solution in easy language and chapter wise.
Class 6 Hindi Vasant is a compilation of 14 chapters that represent the marvellous work of famous authors of different eras. Studying these chapters will need the ideal solutions to follow and to grab the context behind them. This is where the Class 6 Hindi Vasant Question Answer for all exercises will come in very handy. These exercise solutions have been developed by the subject experts of Textual Solution for the benefit of students. Follow these solutions to learn how to answer the questions appropriately to score more.
These are some of the reasons why students need to seriously take up Hindi as a subject. It is recommended that all students should try to practice reading and writing skills in this language as much as possible. One such way of doing that is by solving NCERT questions.
Class 6 is the right time to introduce such literary works in Hindi, which are appropriate for the sixth-grade student and at the same time challenge and stimulate their mind. Hindi is one such language where one needs to start developing the knack and vocabulary right from the beginning. This is not only useful for preparing for that year’s examination but also for all the coming years. With better control over the language, the students can communicate what they wish to in a very easy and simple manner. Another important thing to keep in mind is the grammar and usage of words and phrases. All of this can be improved by simply giving importance to language studies.
NCERT Solution for Class 6 Hindi - Vasant
- पाठ 1 - वह चिड़िया जो
- पाठ 2 - बचपन
- पाठ 3 - नादान दोस्त
- पाठ 4 - चाँद से थोड़ी - सी गप्पें
- पाठ 5 - साथी हाथ बढ़ाना
- पाठ 6 - ऐसे - ऐसे
- पाठ 7 - टिकट - अलबम
- पाठ 8 - झाँसी की रानी
- पाठ 9 - जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते
- पाठ 10 - संसार पुस्तक है
- पाठ 11 - मैं सबसे छोटी होऊ
- पाठ 12 - लोकगीत
- पाठ 13 - नौकर
- पाठ 14 - वन के मार्ग में