Revision Notes for The Making Of A Global World

 Notes can help you in revising the whole chapter in less time. If exams are near or you have class test next day then you can easily understand all the important points and concepts through notes made by our subject - expert teacher at Textual Solution. We have divided the Revision Notes in three section - Chapter At A Glance, Important Terms & Their Explanation and Important Dates And Events of History Class 10 Ch 3 - The Making of A Global World.

Chapter At A Glance

  1. The making of the global world has a long history. This is the history of trade, migration, people in search of work and the movement of capital etc. 
  2. The silk routes connected various parts of Asia with one another and Asia with Europe and northern Africa. There had been several silk routes over land and by sea.
  3. Food items helped in long - distance cultural exchange. Traders and travellers introduced new food items wherever they went.
  4. Conquests and trade spread germs of various diseases from one continent to the other.
  5. Flow of trade, flow of labour and movement of capital greatly affected people's lives in the nineteenth century.
  6. By 1890 A.D., a global agricultural economy had taken place. It was accompanied by complex changes in labour movement patterns, capital flows, ecologies and technology.
  7. Technology played a vital role in the making of a global world. The railways, steamships and the telegraph helped move commodities from one country to the other and one continent to the other continent.
  8. Though trade florished and markets expanded in the late nineteenth century, yet they also proved as a loss of freedoms and livelihoods.
  9. In the nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese labourers went to work on plantations, in mines and in road and railway construction projects around the world.
  10. Though the First World War was mainly fought in Europe, yet its impact was felt around the world.

Important Terms & Their Explanation

  1. Dissenter : One who refuses to accept established beliefs and practices.
  2. Indentured labour : A bonded labourer under contract to work for an employer for a specific amount of time, to pay off his passage to a new country or home.
  3. Tariff : Tax imposed on a country's imports from the rest of the world. Tariffs are levied at the point of entry, i.e., at the border or the airport.
  4. Exchange rates : Exchange rates link national currencies for purposes of international trade. There are broadly two kinds of exchange rates : fixed exchange rates and floating exchange rates.
  5. Fixed exchange rates : When exchange rates are fixed and governments intervene to prevent movements in them.
  6. Flexible or floating exchange rates : Flexible or floating exchange rates fluctuate depending on demand and supply of currencies in foreign exchange markets, in principle without interference by governments.
  7. Cowries : The Hindi cowdi, used as a form of currency in ancient times.

Important Dates And Events

  1. 1492 : Christopher Columbus discovers the vast continent, later known as the Americas.
  2. 1845 - 1849 : The Great Irish Potato Famine.
  3. 1885 : The big European powers meets in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them.
  4. 1921 : The system of indentured labour migration abolished.
  5. August 1914 : The First World War begins
  6. 1923 : The US resumes exporting capital to the rest of the world and becomes the largest overseas lender.
  7. 1929 : The Great Depression begins and lasts till the mid - 1930
  8. 1939 : The Second World War breaks our.
  9. July 1944 : The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference holds at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA.
  10. 1947 : The IMF and the World Bank started financial operations.
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