Summary | What Happened to the Reptiles | Chapter 9 | English | A Pact with the Sun
The narrator is a boy. His name is Prem. He lived in a village. People were worshipped different gods. One day they heard that a mosque or a temple in a far off place had been burnt down. They had never been there but they went mad. They began to fight with one another. They burnt houses. Prem's house was also put to fire. Prem ran away. He had only a few clothes, some coins, and a little statue of Ganesh.
He got on a train. Then he got into a bus. At last he reached a small village on the edge of a forest.
He was tired and hungry. An old man looked after him. The name of the village was Pambupatti. All kinds of people lived there. People prayed to different gods but they lived in peace. They loved and helped each other. This village was very different from Prem's village. The old man told Prem a story. He said, "Long, long ago only reptiles lived in the forest of Pambupatti. Crocodiles, tortoises, lizards, and snakes lived there. The crocodiles were more than others. Makara was a powerful crocodile. He was the leader of the reptiles. Every month the reptiles had a meeting.
One day Makara sent a letter to the tortoises. He told them to leave the forest. The tortoise were small in number. They left the forest.
Now the crocodiles had more food, water and space. But a strange smell filled the forest. Rotten fruits and dead animals caused this smell. The tortoises used to eat them. But now there were no tortoises. After sometime Makara ordered the snakes to leave the forest. The snakes did not want to leave. But they did not have the courage to disobey Makara. So they also left.
Now there were a large number of rats. They became very bold because there were no snakes to eat them. The rats ate crocodile eggs. The crocodiles were unhappy but they had not the courage to say to Makara. After sometime Makara ordered the lizards also to leave the forest. Poor lizards also went away.
Now the crocodiles had the whole forest to themselves. But their life was unhappy. There were rats, frogs and insects.
Makara knew that it was because there were no tortoises, snakes and lizards. But he would not say that he had taken the wrong decisions. But now he was no longer strong and powerful. The crocodiles were not scared of him. So they sent messages to crocodiles, snakes and lizards to come back. All of them returned. Then all the reptiles lived happily and peacefully in the forest.
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