Essay on Wonders of Science in English

 Wonders Of Science - Essay in English

Wonder Of Science Essay in English

Today we cannot live without science. Really it has given us a new life. There is no field of life to which the science has not touched. It has done wonders in every field of life. In this materialistic and racing life of today, everything depends on the scientific inventions. So science has become the supreme power of today's world.

Today science is everywhere. It is sufficient to say or define the importance of life. Necessity is the mother of invention. Its clear meaning is that everything invented by science is the necessity of the man of today. Human needs are responsible for the discoveries of science. Actually the present age is the age of science. Now the man has invented many unique things with the help of scientific knowledge. Now his hands are very strong. By the help of science, he has also controlled over land, water and wind. He has also travelled into space. 

It cannot be denied that the science has reached at a supreme position in the world of today. But it is friend or enemy, blessing or a curse, is still a question which shall remain a question for a long time.

Science has given many gifts to the man of today. In brief, science has given us rapid means of transport - the train, the motor-car and the aeroplanes etc. It has made the world shorter as well as easy. Science has invented many medicines which are very important to save the lives of the human beings.

Ipso facto science has given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf and legs to the lame. Even though they are artificial.

Science has many merits for the welfare of human beings. It is useful to all because all are having many advantages in different fields of life. It has developed the development of the country on higher level. Man's life, from a to z wholly depends on science at present. It has so many demerits also because of its fatal inventions against the mankind. Many sorts of different named bombs have taken men's death into their hands. Many chemical instruments or weapons are invented by science which can destruct the whole world in no time. In this concern, science is a fatal power to human race.

It is very praise worthy to say that science is above all; for, it has made the men of today self-dependent. Nothing is free from scientific power. If it is used for the welfare of human - race, it is actually a very good gift of the creator, otherwise it has invented bombs - very dangerous and fatal , can uproot the whole universe for ever. It is now important that such inventions should be checked by different countries.

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