किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा कही गई बात को हम दो तरह से व्यक्त कर सकते है :
1. Direct Speech or Narration में ; जैसे -
- He said, "I want to study."
- She said, "I am doing my work."
2. Indirect / Reported Speech or Narration में ; जैसे -
- He said that he wanted to study.
- She said that she was doing her work.
Direct Speech वाले वाक्य के दो भाग होते है :
Reporting Verb | Reporting Speech | |
1. | Mohan says, | "I will pay." |
2. | The teacher said, | "You can go home." |
3. | He said, | "God is great." |
4. | He said to me, | "have you a pen ?" |
किसी वाक्य को Direct Speech से Indirect या Reported Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रकार के परिवर्तन किए जाते है :
1. Pronouns (सर्वनामों) में होने वाले परिवर्तन
- Reported Speech में जो First Person के सर्वनाम होते है उन्हें Reporting Verb के कर्ता (Subject) के Person के अनुसार बदला जाता है।
- Reported Speech में जो Second Person के सर्वनाम होते है उन्हें Reporting Verb के कर्म (Object) के Person अनुसार बदला जाता है।
- Reported Speech में जो Third Person के सर्वनाम होते है उनके Person में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
- Reported Speech के First Person और Second Person के जो Pronouns होते है , उन्हें नियमानुसार बदलने के लिए नीचे दी गई तालिका याद रखिए :
First Person | I | my | me | mine | myself | we | our | us | ours | ourselves |
Second Person | you | your | you | yours | yourself | you | your | you | yours | yourselves |
Third Person | he she | his her | him her | his hers | himself herself | they | their | them | theirs | themselves |
2. Verbs (क्रियाओं) में होने वाले परिवर्तन
- Reporting Verb की क्रिया का Tense कभी बदला नहीं जाता है।
- Reporting Verb में said to के स्थान पर told, asked, reuested, ordered, exclaimed, आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है , परन्तु क्रिया का Tense वही रहता है।
- Reporting Verb यदि Present Tense या Future Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।
- Reporting Verb यदि Past Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech के Verb का Tense मोटे - रूप से निम्नलिखित नियमों के अनुसार बदला जाता है : V1 को V2 बदल दो और V2 को had + V3 में बदल दो।
- Reported Speech में यदि किसी Universal truth, Habit, Fact या Historical truth का वर्णन हो , तो उसे Indirect में बदलते समय उसके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता , यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।
Tenses में परिवर्तन के कुछ उदाहरण
1. Present Simple को Past Simple में बदल दिया जाता है।
She said, "John works in a factory."
She said (that) John worked in a factory.
2. Present Continuous को Past Continuous में बदल दिया जाता है।
Radha said to Sarla, "I am working hard for the examination."
Radha told Sarla (that) she was working hard for the examination.
3. Present Perfect को Past Perfect में बदल दिया जाता है।
Arun said, "I have seen the Taj."
Arun said (that) he had seen the Taj.
4. Present Perfect Continuous को Past Perfect Continuous में बदल दिया जाता है।
Sarla said to Shashi, "I have been working hard for over a month."
Sarla told Shashi (that) she had been working hard for over a month.
5. Past Simple को Past Perfect में बदल दिया जाता है , किन्तु केवल उस स्थिति में जब क्रिया को भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय से पहले पूरा हो चुकने का भाव व्यक्त करना हो ; अन्यथा Past Simple में ही रहने दिया जाता है। जब भूतकाल में दो क्रियाएँ एक साथ घटित हुईं हो , तो भी उनके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
1. Hari said, "I did my work myself."
Hari said (that) he had done his work himself.
2. The teacher said, "Gandhiji died in January 1948."
The teacher said (that) Gandhiji died in January 1948.
3. He said, "When the game began, it started to rain."
He said (that) when the game began, it started to rain.
4. Arun said, "When I saw them last , they were playing cricket."
Arun said (that) when he saw them last, they were playing cricket.
5. Radha said, "We were thinking of going to Jaipur but we decided not to."
Radha said (that) they were thinking of going to Jaipur but decided not to.
6. सहायक क्रियाओं will/shall , can, may और must को क्रमशः would, could, might और had to में बदल दिया जाता है।
1. Hari said, "I can do it myself."
Hari said (that) he could do it himself.
2. Mohan said to Arun, "I shall pay back the money in a month."
Mohan told Arun (that) he would pay back the money in a month.
7. सहायक क्रियाओं would, should, could, might, used to तथा ought to में परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
8. स्थायी सत्यों और ऐतिहासिक तथ्यों के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
1. Madhuri said, "Fish swim in water."
Madhuri said that fish swim in water.
2. Arun said, "parents love their children."
Arun said that parents love their children.
3. Adverbs में होने वाले परिवर्तन
- किसी कथन को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय जो शब्द निकटता का भाव रखते हों , उन्हें दूर होने का भाव प्रदान कर दिया जाता है ; जैसे -
Direct | Indirect |
Now | Then |
This | That |
These | Those |
Here | There |
Ago | Before |
Come | Go |
Today | That day |
Tomorrow | The next day |
Yesterday | The previous day |
Last night | The previous night |
Next month | The following month |
Change of Narration
TYPE - I (Statements)
- Reporting Verb यदि Present / Future Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech की क्रिया के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है :
Direct | Indirect |
Sita says, "I shall come to the party." | Sita says that she will come to the party. |
He says, "The train will be late." | He says that the train will be late. |
He says, "She lives in Amritsar." | He says that she lives in Amritsar. |
Ram will say, "I saw Anu in the park." | Ram will say that the he saw Anu in the park. |
She will say, "I have read this book." | She will say that she has read this book |
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
- He says, "I am working hard."
- She will say, "I am busy now."
- Pritam says, "I cannot help you."
- He has told you, "I am coming."
- He says, "I have been reading since morning."
- He will say, "You have spoken falsely."
- You will say, "This man is very honest."
- Mohini says, "I told the truth."
- He has told them, "I did not do it."
- I shall tell him, "You cannot come here again."
TYPE - II (Statements)
- Reporting Verb यदि Past Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech की क्रिया का Tense मोटे रूप से निम्नलिखित नियमों के अनुसार बदला जाता है -
(i) V1 को V2 में बदल दो।
(ii) V2 को had + V3 में बदल दो।
Direct | Indirect |
I said to my teacher, "I need your help." | I told my teacher that I neededhis help. |
He said to me, "You are wasting my time." | He told me that I was wasting his time. |
The boy said to his mother, "I have spoken the truth." | The boy told his mother that he had spoken the truth. |
He said, "Our cow died last week." | He said that their cow had died the previous week. |
Ram said to Misha, "You were telling a lie." | Ram told Misha that she had been telling a lie. |
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
- He said, "I am a poor man."
- She said, "I was ill on Monday."
- My brother said, "Mohan is learning English grammar."
- He said, "Manu is working in the garden."
- His father said, "I have seen this man already."
- Rakesh said to me, "You are getting lazy."
- I said to her, "You are getting lazy."
- He said, "I don't like coffee."
- She said, "I am not feeling well today."
- Ravinder said yesterday, "My teacher is angry with me."
Type - III (Commands & Requests)
- Reported Speech में दिया हुआ वाक्य आदि Imperative हो , तो इसे Indirect बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किए जाते है -
1. Reporting Verb में दिए हुए said (to) को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार ordered, asked, requested, begged, advised, आदि शब्दों में बदल दिया जाता है।
2. Reported Speech में क्रिया के आगे to लगा कर इसे Infinitive बना दिया जाता है।
Direct | Indirect |
The teacher said to Mohan, "Get out of the class." | The teacher ordered Mohan to get out of the class. |
Mohan said to Ranjan, "Please go to the station with me." | Mohan requested Ranjan to go to the station with him. |
He said, "Bhaskar, lie down here." | He asked Bhaskar to lie down there. |
He said, "Do not open the door, Mohan." | He asked Mohan not to open the door. |
I said to my servant, "Bring me a glass of water." | I asked my servant to bring me a glass of water. |
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
- He said to his sister, "Please come with me."
- He said to his servant, "Post this letter."
- I said to my friend, "Work steadily."
- The teacher said to the boy, "Do not stand here."
- He said to his friend, "Please lend me your book."
- I said to him, "Look at this picture."
- The teacher said to Leela, "Show me your homework."
- She said to her servant, "Shut all the windows."
- Sita said to Shama, "Please show your doll."
- Leela said to her mother, "Please buy me these bangles."
Type - IV (Universal Truths)
- यदि Reported Speech में किसी स्थायी सत्य , आदत अथवा ऐतिहासिक घटना का वर्णन हो , तो इसे Indirect में बदलने समय इसकी क्रिया में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है , यद्यपि Reporting Verb किसी भी Tense में हो।
Direct | Indirect |
He says, "I never tell a lie." | He says that he never tells a lie. |
My father said, "The su sets in the west." | My father said that the sun sets in the west. |
The old man said, "Union is strength." | The old man said that union is strength. |
The teacher said to us, "India became free in 1947." | The teacher told us that India beacme free in 1947. |
He said to me, "Slow and steady wins the race." | He told me that slow and steady ins the race. |
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
- Mohan is saying, "I always speak the truth."
- The teacher says, "Two and two make four."
- The Headmaster said, "The sun rises in the east."
- He said to me, "The earth moves round the sun."
- She said to her father, "Honesty is the best policy."
- My father said to me, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
- The teacher said to the boys, "Pt. Nehru was born in 1889."
- I said to him, "Mrs Indira Gandhi died in 1984."
- He said to me, "Hard work is the key to success."
- The teacher said to the students, "The earth is round."
Type - V (Questions)
- यदि Reported Speech में दिया हुआ वाक्य प्रश्नवाचक हो , तो योजक (conjunction) के रूप में if या whether का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
परन्तु यदि प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य किसी 'Wh' शब्द (जैसे What, When, Where, Why, Which, Who , Whom, Where, How, आदि ) से आरम्भ होता हो , तो किसी भी योजक का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। वाक्य के आरम्भ में लगा हुआ प्रश्नवाचक शब्द ही योजक का कार्य करता है।
प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य को Indirect में बदलते समय वाक्य को साधारण कथन में बदल दिया जाता है।
Direct | Indirect |
The teacher said to me, "Are you feeling well today ?" | The teacher asked to me if I was feeling well that day. |
The stranger said to me, "Can you tell me the way to the station ?" | The stranger asked me whether I could tell him the way to the station. |
Hari said to his father, "When shall we go to Delhi ?" | Hari asked his father when they would go to Delhi. |
Prem said to Pran, "Why did you not attend the meeting ?" | Prem asked Pran why he had not attended the meeting. |
I said to her, "Where do you want to go ?" | I asked her where she wanted to go. |
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
Type - I
- He said to me, "Have you a pen ?"
- The master asked the driver, "Is the car ready ?"
- The teacher asked the boy, "Do you know Hindi ?"
- He asked me, "What is your name ?"
- He said to me, "Where is the station ?
- She asked her brother, "Why did you touch my things ?"
- She said to me, "Where are you going ?
- My father said to me, "Why have you failed ?"
- Sohan said to her, "When will you come back ?"
- He said to the old man, "What do you want ?"
Type - II
- I said to her, "Where do you live ?"
- He said, "May I come in, Madam ?"
- Rama said to Sita, "What can I do for you ?"
- She said, "Ajay, how long will you stay here ?"
- I say to you, "Have you gone off your head ?"
- He said to the policeman, "What is my fault ?"
- Anil says, "Isn't it a good thing for me to play ?"
- He said to me, "Don't touch this wire. It's live."
- Urmila said to me, "Do you know how to swim ?"
- He said to me, "Are you going to Delhi tomorrow ?"