Relative Clauses | Grammar | Class X
Clause : ऐसे शब्द - समूह को Clause कहा जाता है जो पूर्ण वाक्य का अंश हो तथा जिसका अपना अलग Subject और Predict हो।
किसी मिश्रित (complex) वाक्य में clauses तीन प्रकार की हो सकती है -
- Noun Clause
- Adverb Clause
- Relative Clause
किसी Complex Sentence में जो Clause किसी Relative Pronoun (who/whom/whose/which/what/that) से शुरू हो , उसे Relative Clause कहा जाता है।
Relative Clause का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है :
1. Qualifying a Noun :
- The company that supplied the goods has failed.
- The house where your brother lived has been sold.
- The complaint he made against me is false.
2. Qualifying a Pronoun :
- There was none but wept.
- He that climbs too high is liable to fall.
- All that glitters is not gold.
Relative Clause को Principal Clause के साथ जोड़ने के लिए relative pronouns या relative adverbs का प्रयोग किया जाता है ; जैसे -
(a) Relative Pronouns :
Who, whom, whose (+noun), that, which.
- The boy who is standing there is my brother.
- She is the girl whom I gave my doll.
- She is the girl whose book was stolen.
- You can take the pen which you like.
- He has cut down the tree that grew in your field.
(b) Relative Adverbs :
When, where, why.
- We saw the house where he has born.
- He met me on the day when I was leaving for Mumbai.
- I told her the reason why she had failed.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्यन कीजिये। जोड़े गए प्रत्येक वाक्य में टेढ़े (Italic) लिखे शब्द एक Relative Clause हैं।
1. Once a fox met a lion. The fox had never seen a lion before.
= Once a fox met a lion whom she had never seen before.
2. She keeps her ornaments in a safe. This is the safe.
= This is the safe in which she keeps her ornaments.
3. A farmer had a hen. The hen laid a golden egg every day.
= A farmer had a hen which laid a golden egg every day.
Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Complex sentence containing a Relative clause :
1. The theft was commited last night. The man has been caught.
👉 The man who commited the theft last night has been caught.
2. English is not a difficult language. It is spoken all over the world.
👉 English which is spoken all over the world is not a difficult language.
3. The time was six o' clock. The accident happened then.
👉 The time when the accident happened was six o' clock.
4. You are not keeping good health. Can you tell me the reason ?
👉 Can you tell me the reason why you are not keeping good health ?
5. He had many plans for earning money quickly. All of them have failed.
👉 All the plans that he had for earning money quickly have failed.
6. A lion was proud of his strength. He hated other animals of the forest.
👉 A lion who was proud of his strength hated other animals of the forest.
7. The grapes hung over the garden wall. The fox saw the grapes.
👉 The fox saw the grapes that hung over the garden wall.
8. That is the school. I was taught there.
👉 That is the school where I was taught.
9. You put it somewhere. Show me the place.
👉 Show me the place where you put it.
10. My friend always helps me. His father is a doctor.
👉 My friend whose father is a doctor always helps me.
What, Where, How के प्रयोग द्वारा वाक्य जोड़ना
निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्यन करें।
1. Where is my book ? Tell me this.
👉 Tell me where my book is.
2. What do you want ? I want to know.
👉 I want to know what you want.
3. How has he passed ? It is a mystery.
👉 It is a mystery how he has passed.
जरुरी नोट
1. जब किसी प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य को उपवाक्य बना कर मुख्य वाक्य से जोड़ा जाता है तो वह वाक्य प्रश्नवाचक नहीं रहता है , इसे साधारण वाक्य बना दिया जाता है। ऐसा कहना गलत होगा कि -
- Tell me where is my book. (╳)
- I want to know what do you want. (╳)
- It is a mystery how has he passed. (╳)
2. जब it अथवा this, आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग मुख्य वाक्य में Subject अथवा Object के रूप में किया गया हो , तो उसके स्थान पर Subordinate Clause का प्रयोग करते समय उन शब्दों (it , this , आदि ) का लोप हो जाता है ; जैसे -
1. How did she won the prize ? It is a wonder.
👉 How she won the prize is a wonder.
2. What colour is the sky ? tell me this.
👉 Tell me what colour the sky is.
3. When will the next train arrive ? This is not known.
👉 When the next train will arrive is not known.
4. How can I get rid of him ? Will you tell me this thing ?
👉 Will you tell me how I can get rid of him ?
नोट - वाक्य 4 में Main Clause प्रश्नवाचक है , इसलिए जुड़ा हुआ वाक्य भी प्रश्नवाचक ही रहेगा ; किन्तु इसमें जोड़ी गई Subordinate Clause प्रश्नवाचक नहीं रहेगी और साधारण वाक्य बन जाएगी।
I. Combine the following pairs of sentences, using what / when / where / how / etc.
1. He went away somewhere. I do not know this.
👉 I do not know where he went.
2. The train is arriving. Do you know the time of its arrival ?
👉 Do you know when the train is arrivng ?
3. She is doing something. No one knows it.
👉 No one knows what she is doing.
4. This is the place. We met here yesterday.
👉 This is the place where we met yesterday.
5. The child wants something. It is not clear.
👉 What the child wants is not clear.
6. I went home. I found my servant absent.
👉 I found my servant absent when I went home.
7. They will go to Ambala. They will attend a marriage there.
👉 They will go to Ambala where they will attend a marriage.
8. The soldiers passed thorugh the streets. The people cheered them.
👉 The people cheered the soldiers when they passed through the streets.
9. She will see the picture. She will be happy.
👉 She will be happy when she sees the picture.
10. What causes malaria ? Let us consider this.
👉 Let us consider what causes malaria.
11. Who will bring the food ? It has not been decided.
👉 Who will bring the food has not been decided.
12. What is the patient suffering from ? Only God knows it.
👉 Only God knows what the patient is suffering from.
13. What is his name ? Do you know ?
👉 Do you know what his name is ?
14. Why is Ram helping Mohan ? Does Sohan know it ?
👉 Does Sohan know why Ram is helping Mohan ?
15. What do you think about it ? Please let me know.
👉 Please let me know what you think about it.
16. How did you meet her ? Tell me.
👉 Tell me how you met her.
17. A certain number of enemies escaped. We don't know their number.
👉 We don't know how many of the enemies escaped.
18. What is your programme ? Kindly let me know.
👉 Kindly let me know what your programme is.
19. He works somewhere. I don't know the place.
👉 I don't know where he works.
20. Where do you live ? I don't remember.
👉 I don't remember where you live.
21. How should I operate the machine ? I am not sure.
👉 I am not sure how I should operate this machine.
Combine the following pairs of sentences, using appropriate Clauses :
- He fled somewhere. His pursuers could not follow him.
- You have rejected my application. Can you tell me the reason ?
- Why has he left the job ? We all know.
- Where does he live ? I do not know.
- Who are you ? I don't know.
- Why were they late ? It is not clear.
- When you are coming here ? Please inform me.
- What does he want ? It is not clear.
- How does this machine work ? I do not know.
- Where do you live ? I don't remember.
- Where did you put up in Delhi ? Please tell me.
- Who is the real murderer ? The police is investigating.
- Where has she disappeared ? I don't know.
- What is your opinion about this ? Please tell me.
- When did we meet last ? I do not remember.
- How can I do so much work ? I don't understand.
- Why is the train late ? No one knows this.
- What does she do for a living ? Tell me this.
- I said something. I meant it.
- How I am going to get it ? I don't know this.
- The beggar got something. He ate it.
- Where have you put my shirt ? Please tell me.
- Why is he laughing at me ? I don't know.
- What is her name ? I want to know.
- How did she acquire so much money ? It is a secret.
- What did the thieves do with the money ? It is a mystery.
- When does the train for Delhi leave ? Go and find out.
- Why has she failed ? I don't know.
- How many mangoes did they eat ? I did not see it.
- What does the cat want ? Can you guess it ?