NCERT Solution for Civics class 6 Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination

NCERT Solution : Diversity and Discrimination - Social and Political Life - I (Civics) Chapter - 2

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Q. What is the difference between discrimination and stereotypes ?
  • Stereotype : When we fix people into one image we create a stereotype. When people say that those who belong to a particular country, religion, sex, race or economic background are stingly, lazy, criminal or dumb they are streotypes. Just like some people are like that it is not fair to think everyone will be the same.
  • Discrimination : It happens when people act on their prejudices or streotypes. If you do something to put other people down, if you stop them from taking part in certain activities and taking up jobs or stop them from living in certain neighbourhoods prevent them from taking water from the same well or hand pump or not allow them to drink tea in the same cups and glasses as others, you are discriminating against them.
Q. How do you think a person who is discriminated against might feel ?
The person who is discriminated against will feel humiliated. He will lose his self respect. It is a derogatory and an inhumane practice and person does not want to mix with others. He feels neglected.

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Q. In addition to the lower castes being discriminated against, there are also various other communities that are subject to discrimination.
The people of the lower castes had to face discrimination from the society in various ways .
  1. Their childhood could not attend the same school.
  2. They were not allowed to draw water from the public wells.
  3. They could not enter the temples.
  4. People refused to give their houses on rent, to people of lower castes.
  5. The boys refused to play with boys of lower castes.

1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges stereotypes.
Social and Political Life


(a) Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone - (3) to speak with her daughter who had just returned from school.

(b) The boy who won the drawing competition went to the dias - (4) on a wheel chair to collect his prize.

(c) one of the fastest athletes in the world - (1) suffers from chronic asthma.

(d) She was not that well - off but had a dream - (2) to become an astronaut which she did.

2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter ? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.
When the stereotype people think that daughter are a burden on the parents, it affects the life of the girl child in the following ways :
  • She feels guilty that she is a burden on the family.
  • The daughters are not sent to school.
  • They are not given nutritional food by the parents. Milk, butter, fruits are kept for the boys. 
  • They are deprived of the love, care and attention.
  • When daughters falls sick they do not get proper medical care and attention.
3. What does the constitution say with regard to equality ? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal ?
With regards to equality the constitution says :
  • Everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
  • Untouchability is seen as a crime and legally abolished by law.
  • People are free to choose the kind of work they wish to do.
  • Government jobs are open to all people. The equality of all persons is seen as a key that unites us all as Indians. The Constitution also placed responsibility on the government to take specific steps to realise that this right to equality to poor and other deprived communities.
4. Sometimes people make prejudiced comments in our presence. We are often not in a position to do anything about this because it is difficult to say something right then and there. Divide the class into groups and each group discuss what they could do in one of the following situations :

(a) A friend begins to tease a classmate because he is poor.
Social and Political Life - I

(b) You are watching TV with your family and one of them makes a prejudicial comment about a particular religious community.
Class 6 Social Studies

(c) Children in your class refuse to share their food with a particular person because they think she is dirty.
CBSE Class 6 - Textual Solution
(d) Someone tells you a joke that makes fun of a community because of their accent. 
CBSE Class 6

(e) Some boys make remarks about girls not being able to play games as well as them.
Class 6

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