NCERT Solution for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 - Manufacturing Industries
Exercises, Page - 77
1. Multiple Choice questions.
(i) Which one of the following industries uses limestone as a raw material.
(a) Aluminium (b) Cement (c) Plastic (d) Automobile
Answer: (b) Cement
(ii) Which one of the following agencies markets steel for the public sector plants ?
(a) HAIL (b) SAIL (c) TATA Steel (d) MNCC
Answer: (b) SAIL
(iii) Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material ?
(a) Aluminium Smelting (b) Cement (c) Paper (d) Steel
Answer: (a) Aluminium Smelting
(iv) Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computer, etc.
(a) Steel (c) Aluminium Smelting
(b) Electronic (d) Informtion Technology
Answer: (d) Information Technology
2. Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words.
(i) What is manufacturing ?
The process of raw materials into useful products is called manufacturing. It converts primary products into secondary products. Valuable goods are manufactured on a large scale such as sugar from sugarcane.
(ii) Name any three physical factors for the location of the industry.
Industries are located near sources of raw material, power resources and climate.
(iii) Name any three human factors for the location of an industry.
Industries are located where cheap labour, capital and efficient means of transportation are available.
(iv) What are basic industries ? Give an example.
Basic industries are called key industries. These supply them products or raw materials to manufacture other goods such as iron and steel, copper etc.
(v) Name the important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement ?
Cement industry uses limestone, silica, alumina, gypsum and coal.
3. Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words.
(i) How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants ? What problems does the industry face ? What recent development have led to a rise in the production capacity ?
Integrated Steel Plant - An integrated steel plant is a large unit. It handles everything in one complex. These collect raw materials to make steel, rolling and shaping.
Mini Steel Plant - Mini steel plants are smaller units. These have electric furnaces. These use steel scrap and spong iron. These have re-rollers that use steel ingots as well. These produce mica and alloy steel.
Problems of Iron and Steel Industry :
- High cost of production
- Limited availability of cooking coal.
- Lower productivity of labour.
- Irregular supply of energy.
- Poor infrastructure.
Recent Developments - Some developments have increased the production capacity of this industry such as :
- Liberalisation
- Foreign direct investment.
- Private ownership.
- Resources for research and development have been increased.
(ii) How do industries pollute the environment ?
Environmental pollution is becoming a serious problem for mankind. Industries have caused Air, Water, Land and Noise pollution. Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide gases causes air pollution. Smoke from chemical industries and burning of fossil fuels cause hazards. Bhopal Gas Tragedy is one example. Industrial waste causes water pollution. Wastes from Nuclear plants cause cancer. Industrial processes cause noise pollution.
(iii) Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry.
Some steps are being taken to check environmental degradation :
- By reusing and recycling of water.
- Harvesting of rain water.
- Treatment of river water.
- Regulating overuse of ground water.
- Noise absorbing materials be used.