Introduction | Summary in Hindi | Summary in English | Class 6 | Honeysuckle | English | Poem | The Quarrel
Introduction To The Poem
It is common for brothers and sisters to quarrel. Usually none of them can tell the cause or point of dispute. It is a trivial thing, a part of the game they play together. No quarrel, however, lasts long. It appears to be a serious difference of opinion at first. The two children swear and part and suspend the game. But after sometime both realise that they must come together again. They feel sorry and compromise. The game goes on and on. The poem describes one such quarrel.
Summary In English
The poet recalls an incident when he once quarrelled with his brother. It was over a trifling or unimportant issue. He has now forgotten what it was. The start was mild or soft. A war of words was followed by a show of temper. The quarrel took a serious turn. Both traded charges and broke off. Both claimed to be in the right. The poet, however, was convinced that his brother was wrong.
The petty quarrel took such a serious turn that they hated each other. The game stopped. Both felt lonely and bored, with no other playmates. A few hours passed by. As the sun climbed down the sky, the light faded and it was evening. The poet's brother could not bear his boredom anymore. He walked up to the poet to make peace. He thumped or gave a gentle pat on the poet's back and felt sorry for the quarrel. He declared that he was in the wrong. The poet readily made up with him. He also accepted that it wasn't his brother's fault, and he was in the right.
Summary In Hindi
कवि को एक घटना याद आती है जब वह अपने भाई से झगड़ पड़ा था। झगड़े के कारण बहुत तुच्छ सा था। अब तो उसे याद भी नहीं कि वह क्या था। शुरुआत तो बहुत हल्की थी। वाक युद्ध के बाद क्रोधावेश आ गया। झगडे ने गंभीर रूप ले लिया। दोनों में आरोप - प्रत्यारोप का सिलसिला चलता रहा और वे अलग हो गये। दोनों ही स्वयं को सही कह रहे थे। पर कवि की मान्यता थी कि उसका भाई ही गलत था।
छोटे से झगड़े ने इतना गंभीर रूप ले लिया कि वे दोनों एक - दुसरे से घृणा करने लगे। खेल स्थगित हो गया। दोनों ने ही अकेलापन और बोरियत महसूस की क्योंकि अन्य खेल का साथी तो था नहीं। कुछ घंटे गुज़र गये। जब सूर्य ढलने लगा , प्रकाश मंद पड़ गया और शाम हो चली , कवि के भाई को अपनी बोरियत अधिक सहन न हो पाई। वह कवि के पास शांति प्रस्ताव लेकर आ गया। उसने कवि की पीठ पर हल्की थपकी दी तथा झगड़े के लिये खेद व्यक्त किया। उसने कहा कि मैं ही गलती पर था। कवि ने भी समझौता करने में देर नहीं लगाई। उसने भी स्वीकार कर लिया कि गलती तुम्हारी नहीं थी , तुम तो सही थे।
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