Summary | The Friendly Mongoose | Chapter 2 | English | A Pact With The Sun
A farmer lived with his wife and small son in a village. A baby mongoose also lived with them. The farmer thought that the mongoose will be their son's companion and friend in future.
The mongoose grew to its full size in five or six months. The farmer's son was still a baby in the cradle. One day, the farmer's wife wanted to go to the market. She asked her husband to keep an eye on the baby sleeping in the cradle. She didn't like to leave the child with mongoose. But the farmer treated the mongoose as a family animal.
The wife went to the market. The farmer also went to his field. He returned home after sometime. The farmer's wife returned home with a basket full of groceries. The mongoose was sitting outside. Its face and paws were stained with blood. She thought that the mongoose had killed her baby. She was blind with rage. She hit the mongoose on the head with her basket full of groceries.
Then she rushed to her child's cradle. She found the baby fast asleep. She also found a black snake, lying dead near the child's cradle. She understood everything. She realized her folly. She started long at the dead mongoose and started sobbing. She wiped her tears, when she heard the baby crying.
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