Extra Questions with Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Fair Play
Here we, Textual Solution are providing Extra Questions and Answers of Chapter Fair Play
Very Short Answer Questions (a word/phrase or a sentence)
Q.1. Who are the four major characters in Prem Chand's story Fair Play ?
Algu Chowdhary, Jumman Sheikh, his wife and his old aunt.
Q.2. What does the title of the Prem Chand's story mean ?
Q.3. On what understanding did the old aunt transfer her property to Jumman ?
The assurance was that Jumman would support her as long as she lived.
Q.4. How did the 'situation change' ?
Jumman and his wife began to ill-treat the old lady after a couple of years.
Q.5. What did the old lady swallow along with her food ?
Insults along with food.
Q.6. But patience has its limits. Whose patience was exhausted ? Why ?
The old aunt's patience was exhausted because of the changed behaviour of Jumman and his wife.
Q.7. How did the old aunt try to get justice ?
She first asked for a monthly allowance, then she took her case to the village Panchayat.
Q.8. What did she plead with Algu ?
That he should come to the Panchayat and speak the truth.
Q.9. What did Jumman say in his defence ?
He pleaded that he had done all he could to support his aunt, and it wasn't possible for him to pay her every month.
Q.10. Who first said, "The voice of the panch is the voice of God?"
Jumman said it at the panchayat.
Q.11. What did the aunt say about the panch ?
God lives in the heart of the Panch.
Q.12. When did the bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman break ?
After Algu's verdict in favour of the aunt.
Q.13. When did Algu's heart sink and he turned pale ?
When sahu proposed the name of Jumman as head Panch.
Q.14. What was Samjhu Sahu's vocation ?
Samjhu Sahu was a cart-driver.
Q.15. What did Algu say loudly and repeatedly after winning the case ?
"Victory of the Panchayat, this is justice."
Short Answer Questions (Answer in 30-40 words)
Q.1. Bring out the significance or aptness of the title of Prem Chand's story Fair Play.
'Fair Play' means justice which a panch or a judge can give. In Prem Chand's stroy two friends uphold truth and justice. Algu decides the case in favour of Jumman's aunt. Even though it turns his friend into enemy. Jumman also seated in the high office of head panch, forgets his enmity and deals out justice to Algu. Both justify the title of the play.
Q.2. Why did the old aunt seek justice from the Panchayat ?
The old aunt transferred all her property to Jumman. He assured her that he would support her all her life. But two years later the old woman became burden for him. She wanted to live separately. She asked for some money every month to cook her own meal. Jumman went back on his promise and turned down the demand. So she had to take her case to the village Panchayat.
Q.3. Give a brief account of the two panchayats held under the banyan tree.
The first time the Panchayat was held to hear the complaint of Jumman's old aunt. She wanted Jumman either to give her monthly allowance or return her property to her. Algu as head Panch decided the case in her favour.
The next time, Algu called the panchayat to recover money from Samjhu Sahu. Jumman as head Panch realised his responsibility as a Panch and decided the case in favour of his enemy, Algu.
Q.4. How does Prem Chand's story underline the role and importance of village panchayats ?
In Prem Chand's story, all the three major characters repeat the old saying that the voice of the Panch is the voice of God. The old aunt declares that God lives in the heart of the Panch. Algu also shouts victory to the panchayat. God lives in the voice of the Panch. Once a person is called upon to act as Panch, he becomes non-partisan or impartial. He cannot help speaking the truth and giving relief to the sufferer.
Q.5. How did circumstances drag Algu to the Panchayat for relief ?
Algu had sold off a bullock to the cartman Samjhu Sahu. It died within a month before the price was paid. Sahu becomes dishonest. He refused to pay for the died animal. So Algu had to take his case to the Panchayat.
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