NCERT Solution for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem : The Quarrel
1. With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.
(i) And somehow we fell out.
(ii) The Afternoon turned black.
(i) fell out - quarrelled.
(ii) turned black - daylight faded with sunset and darkness began to spread.
2. Read these lines from the poem:
(i) One thing led to another
(ii) The start of it was slight
(iii) The end of it was wrong
(iv) The afternoon turned black
(v) Thumped me on the black
Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.
(i) One thing led to another: There was no end to difference of opinions. Every arguments was contradicted and followed by a counter argument.
(ii) The start of it was slight: The cause of the quarrel was trifiling or unimportant. The begining of the debate or controversy was cool and commonplace.
(iii) The end of it was wrong: But by and by the discussion became hot. It ended on a serious note. The two began to hate each other.
(iv) The afternoon turned black: The bright day gradually headed towards a dark evening.
(v) Thumped me on the black: Gave me a gentle pat or blow on the back in a conciliatory mood. The brother made the first friendly move to end hostility.
3. Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your brother, sister or friend. How did it start? What did you quarrel about? How did it end?
Only the other day I fell out with my friend, a dear close friend, Amit. The issue was a slight one. I asked him for his science notebook. He tried to put me off with an excuse. At least that is what it appeared to me. He said the notebook was not traceable. I took it ill. I said it was a lame excuse, and he refuted the charge. Both of us lost temper and parted as sworn enemies. A day passed. We reviewed the situation and felt sorry for our behaviour. We first decided to contact on phone, dropped the idea. We chanced to meet in the school truck shop. Both of us smiled. Both felt sorry. We set at a table for cup of coffee. The quarrel ended up in smoke.
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