1. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?
Unfriendly behaviour, the visitor didn't enter in the shop and stood at the entrance gate etc. made ray think they were not really a shopper.
2. Why do you think he had come to the shop?
We think they wanted to rob Mr. Ray at the point of gun.
3. How did Ray communicate with him?
Ray was a deaf man. He used copy and pencil for talking with the customer.
4. What do you think the man said to his friend who waited at the door?
I think the visitor said to his fellow that the shopkeeper was deaf and dumb.
5. Ray was not a pawnbroker. Why then did he lend money to people in exchange for their old watches and clocks?
Ray was a helpful and kind person. He helped to those persons who were in need by lending their watches. By this way he did not make any profit for himself. When the lender paid him he returned back their watches.
6. "The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers". In what sense did it have 'great powers'?
The needy man got money from their ordinary watch by lending it and got relieve from his problems. This indicates that watch has great power to relieve a person from his problems.
7. Do you think the man would ever come back to pick up the watch?
I am definitely sure that the person would come back to pick up his watch by giving 50 dollars to Mr. Ray because Mr. Ray has solved his problem at the time of need. He would come to thanks Mr. Ray.
8. When did, "the unfriendly face" of the visitor turn truly friendly?
When Mr. Ray gave fifty dollar note to the visitor then unfriendly face of the visitor turned to the friendly face. Visitor has shaken hands with Ray with warmth.
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