A. Complete the following sentences.
- The old banyan tree "did not belong" to grandfather, but only to the boy, because ________________________________________________________________
- The small gray squirrel became friendly when ________________________________________________________________
- When the boy started to bring him pieces of cake and biscuit, the squirrel _______________________________________________________________
- In the spring, the banyan tree _______________, and _____________ would come there.
- The banyan tree served the boy as a ______________________________________________________________
- The young boy spent his afternoons in the tree __________________________________________________________
- Grandfather at 65, was too old to climb it.
- he found that the writer had no weapon to hurt it.
- began to look for food in his pockets.
- bore small red fruits, all kinds of birds.
- quiet place for study.
- either reading a book or looking down at the world below.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. "It was to be a battle of champions." (8)
(i) What qualities did the two champions have? Pick out words and phrases from the paragraph above this line in the text and write them down.
- a superb fighter
- clever
- agressive
- skillful and experienced fighter
- move swiftly
- has poison filled sacs.
(ii) What did the cobra and the mongoose do, to show their readiness for the fight?
The cobra raised half of its body off the ground, and spread his broad, spotted hood.
The mongoose also made his tact fluffy. The long hair on his back also stood up.
Thus both the fighters showed their readiness to fight.
2. Who were the other two spectators? What did they do? (Did they watch, or did they join in the fight?) (10)
The other two spectators were a myna and a wild crow.
3. Read the descriptions below of what the snake did and what the mongoose did. Arrange their actions in the proper order. (11, 16)
- ceased to struggle
- tried to mesmerise the mongoose
- coiled itself around the mongoose
- struck the crow
- struck again and missed
- struck on the side that the mongoose pretended to attack
- grabbed the snake by the snout
- dragged the snake into the bushes
- darted away and bit the cobra on the back
- pretended to attack the cobra on one side
- refused to look into the snake's eyes
- sprang aside, jumped in and bit
- tried to mesmerise the mongoose
- refused to look into the snake's eyes
- mongoose pretended to attack the cobra on one side
- struck on the side that the
- darted away and bit the cobra on the black
- struck again and missed
- struck the crow
- grabbed the snake by the snout
- coiled itself around the mongoose
- ceased to struggle
- dragged the snake into the bushes.
4. (i) What happened to the crow in the end? (16)
(ii) What did the myna do finally? (17)
They watched from the cactus plant. At times they dived into attack the cobra. The crow once failed to fly back back to its perch. It was bitten and killed by the cobra. The myna was saved. It flew down and, looked into the bushes, congratulated the winner and finally flew away.
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