Compound and Complex Sentences
Compound and Complex Sentences |
Sentence : शब्दों के किसी ऐसे समूह को Sentence कहा जाता है जो अर्थ को पूर्ण रूप से स्पष्ट करता हो ; जैसे -
- Boys are going to school.
- He went home yesterday.
- He is my best friend.
- God helps those who help themselves.
ऊपर दिया गया प्रत्येक शब्द - समूह किसी पूर्ण अर्थ को स्पष्ट करता है। इस प्रकार के शब्द - समूह को ही Sentence कहा जाता है।
Phrase : शब्दों के किसी ऐसे समूह को Phrase कहा जाता है जिससे कुछ अर्थ तो निकलता हो , किन्तु पूर्ण अर्थ न स्पष्ट होता हो ; जैसे -
- in the morning.
- after an hour.
- on the table.
- with my brother.
Clause : ऐसे शब्द - समूह को Clause कहा जाता है जो किसी पूर्ण वाक्य का अंश हो , तथा जिसका अपना अलग Subject और Predict हो।
Clause के विचार से वाक्य तीन प्रकार के होते है :
- Simple Sentence
- Compound Sentence
- Complex Sentence
1. Simple Sentence - जिस वाक्य की केवल एक ही Clause हो , उसे Simple Sentence कहा जाता है ; जैसे -
- The boy broke his leg.
- She washed her clothes.
- Mohan stood first in his class.
- I wrote a letter to my father.
2. Compound Sentence - जिस वाक्य में दो या दो से अधिक अनाश्रित Clauses हों , उसे Compound Sentence कहा जाता है ; उदाहरण के रूप में -
- Sita saw Rama and she became happy.
- You must work hard or you will fail.
- Many were called, but few were chosen.
- The sun rose and the fog disappeared.
Compound Sentence की प्रत्येक Clause को Co-ordinate clause कहा जाता है।
3. Complex Sentence - जिस वाक्य में एक Principal Clause हो तथा एक या एक से अधिक Subordinate Clauses हों , उसे Complex Sentence कहा जाता है।
Principal Clause को Main Clause भी कहा जाता है।
Subordinate Clause को Dependent Clause भी कहा जाता है।
1. Principal Clause - Complex sentence का वह भाग जो मुख्य Subject और मुख्य Predicate से बना हो , उसे Principal Clause कहा जाता है।
2. Subordinate Clause - Complex Sentence का वह भाग जिसका अर्थ Principal Clause पर आश्रित हो , उसे Subordinate Clause कहा जाता है।
Principal Clause | Subordinate Clause |
He lost the book | that I had given him. |
I like the boys | who work hard. |
I went to the place | where I had lost my purse. |
I want to know | if he has passed. |
Subordinate Clause | Principal Clause |
When the sun set, | they returned home. |
Unless you work hard, | you can't pass. |
Where there is a will, | there is a way. |
Since you say so, | I must believe it. |
Synthesis of Sentences
Type - I
Combining Simple Sentences into a Compound Sentence
Separate Sentences | Combined Sentences | |
1. | He is very rich. He is not proud at all. | He is very rich, but he is not proud at all. |
2. | She has left home. Her stepmother ill - treated her. | Her stepmother ill - treated her and she has left home. |
3. | The sun rose. The fog disappeared. | The sun rose and the fog disappeared. |
4. | He made a promise. He also kept in. | He made a promise and he also kept it. |
5. | He must pay for the loss. Otherwise he will be fined. | He must pay for the loss, or he will be fined. |
6. | He is sorrowful. He is hopeful. | He is sorrowful, but he is hopeful. |
7. | He was in ill - health. He could not work. | He was in ill - health, and so he could not work. |
8. | He was guilty. He was punished. | He was guilty, and therefore he was punished. |
9. | I am going to my village. I shall stay there for a week. | I am going to my village and I shall stay there for a week. |
Combine each pair of sentences into a compound sentence :
- He is poor. He is honest.
- He broke the law. He was arrested.
- He is intelligent. He is a bookworm.
- I spoke my mind. I praised her dancing.
- It is raining heavily. You should not go out.
- That animal may be tiger. It may be a leopard.
- Stop talking. You will be turned out of the class.
- He was annoyed at her behaviour. He kept quiet.
- She is intelligent. Her brother is equally intelligent.
- The patient was dying. The doctor did not give up hope.
- He strted for Agra today. He will stay there for four days.
- The cat runs away at the sight of the dog. The cat fears the dog.
Type - II
Combining Simple Sentences into a Complex Sentence by using a Noun Clause
Separate Sentences | Combined Sentences | |
1. | Rain will fall today. It is quite evident. | It is quite evident that rain will fall today. |
2. | He has resigned. This rumour is baseless. | The rumour that he has resigned is baseless. |
3. | It is a pity. You did that. | It is a pity that you did that. |
4. | The question in this. He will help us or not. | The question is whether he will help us or not. |
5. | Someone has stolen my purse. I do not know him. | I do not know who has stolen my purse. |
6. | He says something. We cannot rely on that. | We cannot rely on what he says. |
7. | He has failed. I am sorry to learn it. | I am sorry to learn that he has failed. |
8. | I saw him busy. I went away without disturbing him. | Seeing that he was busy. I went away without disturbing him. |
Combine each pair of sentences into a complex sentence :
- He said something. It is certain.
- He will come back. It is certain.
- He is a rogue. Everybody knows it.
- This is something. No one can understand it.
- She is going to some place. No one knows it.
- Perhaps better luck is in store for us. We hope so.
- The rose is the sweetest of flowers. This is certain.
- The enemy was approaching. The news alarmed us.
- We wanted to know her age. We asked her about it.
- He is going somewhere. It is not known to anybody.
- He has failed. I came to console him on learning this.
- He will not return soon. He told us about his intention.
- He will soon overcome his problems. There can be no doubt about it.
- He will get us out of this difficulty. No one knows how he will do it.
- Someone has been making a great noise. I should like to know the person.
Type - III
Combining Simple Sentences into a Complex Sentence by using an Adjective Clause
Separate Sentences | Combined Sentences | |
1. | He told me a secret. I must not reveal the secret. | He told me a secret which I must not reveal. |
2. | She married a lawyer. The lawyer lives in our street. | She married a lawyer who lives in our street. |
3. | I saw the house. I was born there. | I saw the house where I was born. |
4. | A man had a hen. The hen laid a golden egg daily. | A man had a hen that laid a golden egg daily. |
5. | I had to solve this problem. It was a difficult problem. | I had to solve this problem which was difficult. |
Combine each pair of sentences into a complex sentence :
- I suffered a loss. The loss was very big.
- You will get the book. You want that book.
- Alladin has a lamp. It brought him everything.
- He is the boy. He was punished by the teacher.
- I have a duty to perform. The duty was very difficult.
- I lent you a book yesterday. When will you return it ?
- Some friends are false. We should keep away from them.
- The apples had gone bad. I bought these apples yesterday.
- He jumped into the well. A child had fallen into this well.
- You do not attend your classes regularly. Will you tell me the reason ?
Type - IV
Combining Simple Sentences into a Complex Sentence by using an Adverb Clause
Separate Sentences | Combined Sentences | |
1. | He found out his mistake. He was then very sorry. | He was very sorry when he found out his mistake. |
2. | He is working very hard. He wants to stand first in the examination. | He is working very hard as he wants to stand first in the examination. |
3. | I reached the school. The bell was ringing at that time. | When I reached the school, the bell was ringing. |
4. | Rosie gave up dancing. Her husband did not like her dancing. | Roise gave up dancing since her husband did not like it. |
5. | He became more and more rich. He was not happy. | However rich he became, he was not happy. |
6. | She is a beautiful girl. No other girl of her class is equally beautiful. | When we compare her with others, she is more beautiful than any other girl of her class. |
7. | Give up smoking. Only then you can remain healthy. | You can't remain healthy unless you give up smoking. |
8. | You have recovered now. You should start going to school. | Now that you have recovered, you should start going to school. |
9. | He worked very hard. He will surely succeed. | He will surely succeed because he worked very hard. |
10. | He tried for a long time. Then he succeeded. | He had tried for a long time before he succeeded. |
Combine each pair of sentences into a complex sentence :
- He was always honest. He was poor.
- He found out her mistake. He was very sorry.
- This is not true. I can tell you only that much.
- The train was moving. Just then I reached the station.
- There is no other way left for us. Let us kiss and part.
- Men work with a purpose. They want to earn a living.
- He walked with care. He feared that he might sumble.
- My grandfather is very old. He is quite active and smart.
- The aeroplane was going to land. It caught fire suddenly.
- The earthquake was very terrible.The whole city was destroyed.