Important Questions for Ch 1 Development Economics Class 10 (Social Science)
Fill In The Blanks
1. 'Green GNP' concept is related to....................... (economic development/sustainable development)
sustainable development.
2. The total national income divided by called per capita income. (Total population/total production)
total population
3. ....................... resources are those which can be replenished by nature as in the case of crops and plants. (Renewable resources/Non-renewable resources)
Renewable resources
4. The life expectancy of India is................ . (63 years/70 years)
63 years
5. The literacy rate of India is ...................... . (65.2%/69%)
6. ..................... country has a better condition than India from the point of view of HDI. (Sri Lanka/Bihar)
Sri Lanka
7. GDP is the money value of .............. goods and services produced in the domestic territory of a country during an accounting year. (final/intermediate)
Choose The 'TRUE' Or 'FALSE'
1. Economic development is related to future generation. (True/False)
2. Land is included in physical environment. (True/False)
3. The Human development is the combination of three objectives. (True/False)
4. Per capita income is the ratio of the total national income and total population. (True/False)
5. America is a developing country. (True/False)
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What is economic development ?
Economic development means an increase in the real per capita income over a long period of time. Today, the great importance has been given to sustainable development instead of economic development in the world in which environmental concept is taken under consideration. India is also going under this process.
2. Distinction between Renewable and Non-renewable Resources.
Sustainable economic development means that development should take place without damaging the environment and development in the present should not compromise on the needs of the future generation.
The need to follow this policy stems from the concern environment. Because it is felt that rapid economic growth and industrialisation have led to reckless exploitation of natural resources and the stock of natural resources is limited. So there is a need to follow sustainable economic development because it is an environment of friendly strategy.
4. What are the aspirations of landless rural labourers ?
The following are aspirations of landless rural labourers :
- More days of work and better wages.
- Local school is able to provide quality education for their children.
- There is no social discrimintion and they too can become leaders in the village.
5. Distinguish between Developed and Developing countries.
Countries with per capita income of $ 10,066 per annum and above in 2004 are called developed countries such as, U.S., U.K., Canada, Switzerland, Japan etc. On other side countries with per capita income of $ 825 or less are called developing countries. Such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc.
6. Based on data given in table 1.6 what can you say about the status of Indian women in comparison to men ? Write a small paragraph.
The table 1.6 shows that a small country in our neighbourhood, Sri Lanka is much ahead of india in every respect. Reason is simple, the women right from their childhood, are denied same access to health care education and economic rights as given to men in the society. Gender inequality prevails in our country in terms of gross population literacy, sex ratio, socio-economic status and opportunities. The low literacy of women is the result of child marriage, social discrimination, low household and social status.
7. Is it correct to say that environment degradation is not just a national issue ? Illustrate with examples.
It is correct to say that environmental degradation is not just a national issue, but it is a global phenomenon. The stock of natural resources is limited which meets the needs of the world. The growth of all the countries of the world is in danger if these limited resources are completely exhausted. The use fossil fuels and minerals damages the environment and ecology. They cause pollution and disturb the balance in nature. Therefore, environment friendly strategy of economic growth is urgently needed.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. What is Human Development Index ? Write about basic components of Human Development.
The Human Development is the combination of three objectives - growth, equity and democracy. Human Development as the process of widening people's choices and the level of well-being they achieve at the core of the notion of human development. The HDI measures the average achievement in the three basic dimensions of Human Development.
- Longevity - A long and healthy life as increased in terms of life expectancy years.
- Knowledge - Knowledge is measured by the adult literacy rate. It is measured by educational attainments percentage which combines gross enrolement ratio in primary, secondary and teritary levels.
- Decent Standard of Living - It is a choice to enjoy a quality and standard life. It is measured by Gross Domestic Product per capita.
2. Why environmental degradation is going on ?
Population is increasing on the one hand and awakening civilization has made aware of so many articles of comforts and luxuries on the other hand. The demand for the necessities, comforts and luxuries has been increasing with the flood of knowledge and awakening. It has led the man to bigger exploitation of the natural resources and the over-cultivation of these natural gifts has disturbed the ecological balance and it has created environment problems such as water pollution, air pollution, Noise pollution etc. These environmental problems range from national to local levels. All these have created such as an atmosphere in which it has become difficult to live in.
3. Assume that there are only four families each in two countries. Study the table carefully and answer the questions that follow :
(b) Now say, which country is better off and why.
(a) (b) Country X is better off than country Y. Because the people of country X are neither very rich nor extremely poor, while most citizens in country Y are poor and one person is extremely rich. In other words, no doubt both the countries have identical average income. But country X is preferred because it has more equitable distribution.
4. Explain in detail the causes of environmental Pollution.
The causes of environmental pollution are the following :-
- Large scale of deforestation and over - utilisation of land have resulted in environment imbalances.
- A large population has created environmental and ecological imbalances.
- In big cities, large number of industrial units have been set up by Indian and foreign companies. It has resulted in large scale industrial watages like polluted water, smoke etc. It has certainly created the problem of environment pollution.
- The large number of vehicles has increased tremendously. These have created noise pollution on the one hand and smoke coming out these vehicles has vitiated the atmosphere on the other.
5. Explain in details the methods of Environmental Protection.
The following methods are needed to protect the environment.
- Rising population is really a threat to the country. Therefore, it is a absolutely essential to check the rising population if environment is to be protected.
- More and More plantation should be done for the protection of environment.
- For the protection of environment control over industrial and agricultural pollution is urgently needed.
- For the protection of environment, living places of the people should be made neat and clean.
6. What do you mean by Economic development ? Discuss the various indicators used for measuring the economic development of a country.
Economic development - Economic development is a process whereby the real per capita income of an economy increases over a long period of time.
Indicators used for measuring the economic development of a country are :-
- National Income - The sum total of all the goods and services produced with in a country during a period of one year plus net income from abroad is called national income.
- Per Capita Income - The total national income divided by the total population is called per capita income.
The another indicators are :
- Infant mortality rate - It indicates the number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children boen in that particular year.
- Literacy rate - It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age group.
- Net Attendence Ratio - It is the total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
7. Discuss the present sources of Energy used by the people of India. What could be the possibilities after 50 years from now ?
The present sources of Energy used by the people of India are Renewal resources and Non-renewal resources.
- Renewal Resources - Renewable resources are those resources which can be replenished by nature. However, even there resources may be over used. For example ground water etc.
- Non-Renewal Resources - Non-renewal resources are those which will get exhausted after years of use. We have a fixed stock on earth which cannot be replenished. For example Petrol, Coal etc.
After fifty years from now there will be shortage of these resources of energy. As a result, countries will go for non-conventional sources of energy from wind, biomass , energy, energy from solar and energy from tides and wages.
8. Define developing economics.
A developing economy, also called a less developed country. It is a nation with a lower living of standard underdeveloped industrial base, and low human development index relative to other countries. there is no universal, agreed upon criterion for what makes a country developing versus developed as which countries fit these two categories although these are general refrence points such as nation's GDP per capita compared to other nations. Also, the general term less developed country should not be confused with the specific least developed country.