Extra Questions with Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree
Here we, Textual Solution are providing Extra Questions and Answers of chapter The Banyan Tree
Very Short Answer Questions (a word/phrase or a sentence)
Q.1. Why did the author think that the banyan tree belonged chiefly to him ?
Because he alone could climb and sit on it, not his old grandfather.
Q.2. Why was the banyan tree so dear to the author ?
Because he could sit on its branches, read books there and spy on the world below.
Q.3. Who became his first friend on the banyan tree ?
A grey squirrel
Q.4. He grew quite bold. Who does 'he' refer to ? How did he show his boldness ?
'He' refers to the squirrel who boldly began to take pieces of food from the writer's hand.
Q.5. What did squirrel's friends think about him ? Why ?
They thought he was foolish and obstinate because he was trusting a human.
Q.6. What changes came about in the tree in spring ?
The banyan tree bore small red fruit, and attracted all kinds of birds to sit on it.
Q.7. What does the writer call the 'Classic' of the Indian Wilds ?
A fight between a mongoose and a cobra.
Q.8. Who were the two other spectators of the mongoose - cobra fight ?
A myna and a wild crow
Q.9. What was the body length of the mongoose and the cobra ?
Three feet and six feet
Q.10. What was the perch of the myna and the crow ?
A cactus plant
Q.11. Who emerged the winner in the fight ? Who lost his life ?
The mongoose won the battle and the snake lost its life besides the wild crow.
Q.12. How many rounds did the mongoose and the cobra fight ?
Three rounds
Short Answer Questions (Answer in 30-35 words)
Q.1. How does the author describe the banyan tree ?
The banyan tree was very old, older than author's 65 year old grandfather. Its spreading branches hung to the around and took roots. Among them were squirrels, snails and butterflies. In the spring it was full of small red fruit. It was the noisiest place in the garden.
Q.2. How did the author patronise the banyan tree ?
The author thought that the big banyan tree belonged to him. He enjoyed climbing it, sitting on its branches on a platform, and reading books. He also enjoyed going along the zig-zag passages. formed by the branches. He used to spend afternoons there.
Q.3. How does the author describe the mongoose and the cobra ?
The grey mongoose was three feet long. He was an excellent and clever fighter. He was as good a champion fighter as the cobra which was six feet long. The snake was also a skilful and experienced fighter. He could move very swiftly and had poison bags behind his long, pointed teeth.
Q.4. Describe in brief the fight between the cobra and the mongoose.
The cobra moved his split tongue in and out. He spread his broad, spotted hood. He tried to mesmerise the mongoose to make a wrong move. He tried to strike the enemy but every time it escaped. It bit on the snake's back twice. Finally it caught the snake by its snout. The cobra coiled itself about him but it served no useful purpose. The cobra died and was pulled away into the bushes.
Q.5. How did the myna and the crow interfere in the classic fight ?
A myna and a jungle crow sat on the cactus plant and watched the fight. Both made a couple of attempts to attack the cobra. The crow wanted to peck and hurt the snake. In the third round, both dived at the cobra. The myna flew back to its perch, but the crow was bitten and it fell dead.
Q.6. Describe the final fight between the cobra and the mongoose.
The cobra grew weak. The mongoose walked up to it and caught him by the neck. He twisted madly but could not free himself. He coiled round his enemy. Soon he died. The mongoose made sure that the snake was dead. Then he pulled it into the bushes.
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