The Kite (Poem) NCERT Solution


1. List out the action words in the poem.
dive, dip, snaps, _______, ________, _________, _________, ___________
Find out the meaning of these words.
dive - to plunge, to get with with the deep water suddenly
dip - go into the water, plunge
snaps - to crack, to break with a sharp noise
soars - goes higher
rides - climbs
rest - a short pause, repose
falls - becomes slow or sluggish
blows - moves
flaps - flutters

2. Read these lines from the poem:

Then soars like a ship
with only a sail

The movement of the tailles kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called simile. Can you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to?

He runs like _____________

He eats like _____________

She sings like ____________

It shines like _____________

It flies like _______________
He runs like a dear

He eats like a pig  or wolf or glutton

She sings like a nightingale

It shines like a star

It flies like a bird

3. Try to make a kite with your friends. Collect the things required such as colour paper/newspaper, thread, glue, a thin stick that can be bent. After making the kite see if you can fly it.
A project for self - attempt. Do it yourself.

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